Opinion Climate Regarding Polls in Chile: Factors Determining Mistrust

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This study aimed to research opinions on polls in Chile, particularly the population’s trust in these instruments. It sought to identify the sociopolitical and demographic factors that influence people’s willingness to trust poll results. To that end, it used a CAWI email survey. The sample is representative of the Chilean population aged 18 and above with email access. The results showed high mistrust in polls, even among those who are regular respondents of them. The study indicates that confidence varies according to the level of interest in politics, previous poll experience and media consumption, making these significant predictive indicators. These results must be considered within the limitations of the study, bearing in mind a possible bias associated with evaluating trust in polls by applying one. The study contributes to the understanding of the public’s opinion on polls, highlighting the importance of sociopolitical factors beyond demographic characteristics.

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How to Cite
Acharán, J., Valenzuela, P., Fábrega, J., & Fiore, M. (2024). Opinion Climate Regarding Polls in Chile: Factors Determining Mistrust. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (37). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484911e.2024.37.88497

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Author Biographies

Joao Acharán, Datavoz

Magister en Políticas Públicas por la Universidad Diego Portales. Director de área de Dirección y Análisis en Datavoz.

Paulina Valenzuela, Datavoz

Magister en Estadística por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Socia fundadora de Datavoz.

Jorge Fábrega, Datavoz

PhD en Políticas Púbicas por la Universidad de Chicago. Socio-Director de Tendencias Sociales en Datavoz y Académico Investigador en la Universidad del Desarrollo.

Maddalena Fiore, Datavoz

Cientista Política por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Jefa de Proyectos en Datavoz.


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