The automotive industry in North America after the 2008 crisis: effects in Canada

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Elisa Dávalos


The automotive industry in North America has faced pressures that have generated regional relocation, in which Canada, as assambler, decreased in all three Detroit automakers (GM, Ford, Chrysler, 3D). To whom in the 2008 global financial crisis, in the difficult context of the industry (struggle for markets, competitive pressures, demands for energy and technological changes, such as the low dynamism of mature markets) forced adjustments and relocation to areas of non-union labor and/or low wages. This caused Canada to lose weight in the automotive industry. It remains to examine the scenario with newly elected president in the United States and its protectionist policies, and how they might affect that relocation in the face of strategies to prioritize United States territory.

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How to Cite
Dávalos, E. (2017). The automotive industry in North America after the 2008 crisis: effects in Canada. Ola Financiera, 10(26), 116–135.

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