Global supply chains and intangible assets in the automotive and aeronautical industries

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Claude Serfati
Catherine Sauviat



The relocating of Transnational corporations’ (TNCs) high-generating value activities at the upper (design, development, branding, Intellectual property) and lower (marketing, maintenance and post-sales services) ends of their global supply chains (GSCs) operate with the amazing rise of Intangible assets (IA) in their stock value operate in interaction.

The paper documents the deep transformations in major French automotive and aeronautical TNCs’ strategies – in particular in the management of their R&D – in relation with the appeal of IA for financial investors. It thus highlights a further dimension of the relation between finance and production to the ones more commonly addressed by the literature on ‘financialisation’.

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How to Cite
Serfati, C., & Sauviat, C. (2019). Global supply chains and intangible assets in the automotive and aeronautical industries. Ola Financiera, 12(33), 81–126.

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