Global mining companies and international economic governance

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Elizabeth Concha


The year 2020 will be remembered in the history of mankind. The International Monetary Fund expects the world economy to contract -3% and the Economic Commission for Latin America estimates that Latin America will have a decrease of -2% of GDP. Mining is immersed in that expression of multidimensional crisis; Many of the large mining companies have respected what is indicated by the international health authorities, however, the exploration and exploitation of minerals cannot be done from a computer or other device, so they are waiting for the moment to continue their activity and re-express a new characterization of the financialization process. Thus, the suggestion method immersed in international governance should be reconfigured because, despite being clear about its objectives and goals within the stipulated deadlines, reality shows an illusory image of them, at least with regard to environmental governance and mining. , before Covid-19, and in the present. This document is divided into five sections. The first two review the current literature on the concept of international and environmental governance. The actions of large mining companies cannot be considered as an isolated fact of the characterization of contemporary and financialized world mining, which gives meaning to the third section. The fourth is placed in a mirror exercise, environmental governance with the characterization of financialized mining, showing that the result is a recondite image as well as the arguments of multinational organizations, that is, two completely dispersed paths. Finally, the conclusions.

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How to Cite
Concha, E. (2021). Global mining companies and international economic governance. Ola Financiera, 14(38), 172–192.

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