Brazil: consequences of Covid-19. A multidimensional crisis in three acts

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Marcos Costa Lima
Pedro Fonseca


This article aims to analyze the Bolsonaro government's actions in the fight against Covid-19 and debate what the post-pandemic consequences are for Brazil. Our main argument is that the actions of the Bolsonaro government have contributed to worsening the multidimensional crisis that Brazil has been suffering since 2016, when there was the impeachment of President Dilma Roussef. The actions of the Bolsonaro government are guided by a populism that has as its main characteristic the anti-scientific and that has as a result an average of more than 2000 deaths per day with projections of reaching 3000 deaths.

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How to Cite
Costa Lima, M., & Fonseca, P. (2021). Brazil: consequences of Covid-19. A multidimensional crisis in three acts. Ola Financiera, 14(39), 133–151.

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