Failed financialization: The mortgage credit in Argentina 2016-19

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Nicolás Hernán Zeolla
Manuel Gómez Lira
Ivana Socoloff


Global economy has registered an extraordinary growth in financial activity, penetrating the most diverse areas of daily life and production, in what many authors identify as a financialization regime; the national dimension of the phenomenon such as corporate financialization, housing and natural resources, among others, are dimensions that have captured the attention of academics. Since 2016, the Argentine economy has undergone a series of policies aimed at increasing financialization. Had among its objectives the expansion of credit and the construction of a securitization market, especially the mortgage, to shore up the weakened economic activity and provide a response to the social problem of housing.

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How to Cite
Hernán Zeolla, N., Gómez Lira, M., & Socoloff, I. (2021). Failed financialization: The mortgage credit in Argentina 2016-19. Ola Financiera, 14(39), 152–171.

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