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Ola Financiera


The period of neoliberalism was promoting a series of actions and mechanisms that imposed the acceleration and deepening of globalization. Among those impositions was a specific type of monetary policy that outlined and purged an obsession against inflation that included fiscal balance, that is, the serious danger of public spending and deficits, almost a religion; dangers that according to the discourse were exorcised since the 2007 crisis, with the wheelbarrows of public money that have flooded the channels of the financial system; policies that were actually designed for the benefit of some sectors, small and closed, but against large social segments, especially the most vulnerable.

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How to Cite
Financiera, O. (2024). Editorial. Ola Financiera, 13(35). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/ROF/article/view/89072

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Ola Financiera. (2020). Editorial. Ola Financiera, 13(35), i