‘No one can compete since no one dares to lend more cheaply!’: Turkey’s Ilbank and public water finance

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Ali Rıza Güngen


As a midsized public development bank in Turkey, Ilbank is crucial in financing water provision. It provides cheaper loans to municipalities and serves as an intermediary for accessing international funds. Being owned by municipalities and designed to serve them, Ilbank is unique in Turkey’s banking sector in terms of financing water provision. However, the potential of Ilbank to expand its role is limited due to recent revisions of its mandate, the attempts to divert its resources and its undemocratic structure. A reformed and democratized Ilbank could be a crucial player in building an integrated water and sanitation system management for Turkey.

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How to Cite
Güngen, A. R. (2024). ‘No one can compete since no one dares to lend more cheaply!’: Turkey’s Ilbank and public water finance. Ola Financiera, 17(49), 239–275. https://doi.org/10.22201/fe.18701442e.2024.49.89956

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