Sagua la Grande: Considerations for the Comprehensive Management of its Architectonic and Urban Heritage

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Nelson Melero Lazo


The origins and founding of Sagua la Grande are connected to the Río Sagua, next to which the city was settled in 1812. The sugar industry, its primary source of income and development, utilized the river to transport its merchandise. The city possesses colonial and republican architecture of a variety of styles, associated with the values of its cultural heritage. There are studies and plans for the restoration of its historic downtown, which has enormous strength and potential, but there is no budget to carry them out. This article assesses some mechanisms for the comprehensive management of its heritage that would allow for the implementation of programs that confront the extraordinary challenge of this necessary restoration of a memory that belongs to the entire Cuban nation.


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How to Cite
Melero Lazo, N. (2019). Sagua la Grande: Considerations for the Comprehensive Management of its Architectonic and Urban Heritage. Academia XXII, 10(19), 248–259.

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Author Biography

Nelson Melero Lazo, University College San Jeronimo of Havana

Arquitecto y máster en Conservación y Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Construido. Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echevarría (ISPJAE), La Habana. Especialista por treinta y cinco años del Centro Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museología. Especialidad en Conservación Arquitectónica, ICCROM, Roma. Experto Consultor Oficina Regional de Cultura para América Latina y el Caribe, UNESCO. Profesor auxiliar de la Facultad de Arquitectura, ISPJAE y de las Maestrías de la Universidad de las Artes y del Colegio San Gerónimo de La Habana. Investigador Auxiliar. Distinción por la Cultura Nacional.