Percepciones de profesores mexicanos de la enseñanza del inglés basada en contenidos del Estado de Guanajuato: Una perspectiva dual

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Romero Lara Herrera
Kenneth Geoffrey Richter
Luis Omar Razo Colunga
Luis Daniel González Espejel


Este artículo se centra en la percepción de profesores mexicanos de inglés sobre la enseñanza del idioma basada en contenidos. Los profesores, objeto de estudio, tienen una perspectiva dual: aprendieron el idioma inglés a través de contenido y ahora enseñan inglés aplicando el mismo método de enseñanza. Se utilizó una metodología con enfoque cualitativo; se aplicaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas a los participantes con el fin de entender sus experiencias y percepciones sobre el tema. Las entrevistas se centran en la percepción de los docentes en relación con la instrucción basada en contenidos y determinan si los participantes recomendarían o no el método. Los resultados sugieren que a pesar de haber aprendido inglés a través de contenidos, los participantes no lo recomendarían debido al contexto en el que se encuentran actualmente. Recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones son presentadas en las conclusiones.


Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Lara Herrera, R., Geoffrey Richter, K., Razo Colunga, L. O., & González Espejel L. D. (2017). Percepciones de profesores mexicanos de la enseñanza del inglés basada en contenidos del Estado de Guanajuato: Una perspectiva dual. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 4(9).

Citas en Dimensions Service

Biografía del autor/a

Romero Lara Herrera, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Unidad León

He has been Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) for 16 years and had been involved in Content-Based Pedagogy for eight years. He holds a degree in English Language Teaching (ELT) from the University of Guanajuato in Mexico and a Master’s Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico. He is currently an English Language professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico-National School of Higher Education (UNAM-ENES) Campus León. His current field of research is on Content-Based Pedagogy and teachers and learners perceptions of teaching and learning English.

Kenneth Geoffrey Richter, Universidad de Guanajuato

He has been involved in education for more than twenty years, working as an instructor, teacher trainer, administrator, facilitator, and consultant in non-profit, corporate, and university settings. He has taught at the university level in the United States, Taiwan, China, Singapore, and Mexico. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in comparative literature from the University of California (cum laude), a Master’s degree in International Relations from California State University (summa cum laude), and a Master’s Degree (summa cum laude) and Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Memphis. He currently works as an Associate Professor at the University of Guanajuato in central Mexico.

Luis Omar Razo Colunga, Universidad de La Salle

He has been an English language teacher for 10 years. He has a degree in English Language Teaching (ELT) from the University of Guanajuato, Guanajuato Mexico, an Master’s Degree in Education from the University of La Salle and a certificate in Communicative English by the Training Center for the Working Field (CE-CA-TI). He currently teaches English as a foreign language at the University of La Salle campus Salamanca. He is an official examiner with the Latin American Institute for Educational Communication (ILCE) and has been president of the English Academy at the National College of Technical Professional Education (CONALEP) during the last three years in the state of Guanajuato.

Luis Daniel González Espejel, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Unidad León

He has a Bachelor’s Degree in English Language Teaching (ELT) from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Campus FES Acatlán and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Educational Technology at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo. He has worked as an English language teacher since 2002 in which he has worked in various UNAM campuses. He was head of the Department of English ENES León from 2011-2015. He has published electronic teaching material and support units for the learning portal CUAED and English Media. He has given presentations at national and international confe- rences, and his research interests are working with technology applied to content and language teaching.