The Lévi-Strauss structuralist-method and the myth of the “Tlaciques Chupamolleras (brain sucker)”

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Mario Ortega Olivares


This paper provides an understandable but rigorous introduction of structuralism. The article examines the method of Claude Lévi-Strauss from an epistemological perspective. The method seeks to uncover an object that is at once objectively remote and subjectively precise, whose causal explanation may be based on subjective understanding, treated as a supplementary form of proof. The structuralist method seeks to identify and establish a repertoire of types in the social sphere, analyze their constituent parts and establish a set of correlations between them. In order for a social reality to be treated as a structure, it must display a systemic character, meaning that an alteration to one of its elements will affect the remainder. It must also be possible to construct a model that predicts how the structure will react if one of its elements undergoes alteration.


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How to Cite
Ortega Olivares, M. (2013). The Lévi-Strauss structuralist-method and the myth of the “Tlaciques Chupamolleras (brain sucker)”. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 1(1), 77–92.

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Author Biography

Mario Ortega Olivares, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Xochimilco

Doctor en Antropología. Profesor-investigador. Línea de Investigación: Sistemas de cargos en pueblos originarios.