Trends of human capital in Mexico: An analysis of the education development per gender 2005-2012

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Angélica Beatriz Contreras Cueva
José Antonio Rubio González


The purpose of this article is to analyze, according to the ENOE’S data, the participation tendency in the labor market by gender and also by professional area between the years 2005 to 2012.
The results were estimated with the participation rate, the linear regression model in order to determine the tendencies and the Duncan Socioeconomic Index to establish the employment distribution by gender and professional area. Based on the results it can be said that the estimate tendencies within the participation rate is higher for women in the engineering area, Humanities and Social Sciences; for men it is lower in all cases, except for Architecture, Health Sciences, Education, Chemistry and Exact Sciences, even though they showed a decrease in the trajectory. On the other hand, after having estimated the Duncan Segregation Index, it is demonstrated that there are the same opportunities for professional men and women in the labor market in México. The results of this analysis suggest making a deep study on the trajectory of people ́s income for the job they made, to know if the income tendency is favorable for women or not.


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How to Cite
Contreras Cueva, A. B., & Rubio González, J. A. (2014). Trends of human capital in Mexico: An analysis of the education development per gender 2005-2012. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 2(3).

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Author Biographies

Angélica Beatriz Contreras Cueva, Universidad de Guadalajara

Doctora en Empresas egresada de la Universidad de Barcelona, profesora-investigadora titular adscrita al Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico- Administrativas de la Universidad de Guadalajara, LGC Economía de la Educación y Emprendedurismo. 

José Antonio Rubio González, Universidad de Guadalajara

Estudiante de doctorado en Gestión de la Educación, U. de G. Maestro en Administración egresado de la Universidad de Guadalajara, profesor de medio tiempo adscrito al Departamento del Ciencias Computacionales del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad de Guadalajara.