Writing Myself Home: Migrant Well- being and Expressive Writing

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Claudia Chibici Revneanu


This article argues that increased national and local cultural policy measures need to be taken to improve migrant well-being. As part of a larger research project, it suggests the implementation of expressive writing workshops, following an adapted version of Pennebaker’s methodology (Pennebaker and Evans 2014; Sexton and Pennebaker 2009), as an effective and economically viable local cultural policy intervention. The issue is addressed with particular reference to León, Guanajuato (with the specific case study of two workshops conducted) where migration is rapidly increasing yet under-researched. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on migrant women, as a group of double vulnerability. It will be shown that, albeit far from presenting a miracle cure, expressive writing workshops can contribute significantly towards the increased well-being, integration and thus overall development of some migrant women. Moreover, they can effectively expand our knowledge about the struggles and benefits of the (psychological) process of migration.


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How to Cite
Chibici Revneanu, C. (2017). Writing Myself Home: Migrant Well- being and Expressive Writing. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 4(11). https://doi.org/10.21933/J.EDSC.2016.11.201

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Author Biography

Claudia Chibici Revneanu, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores León/ UNAM

Lecturer of Intercultural Management and Development at Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores ( ENES ), UNAM . Research areas: Gender and creativity (in writing and musical composition) and the functionality of the arts (literature and music).