Analysis of the construct validity and reliability of an instrument used to evaluate sustainability training in higher education

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Martín Gerardo Martinez Valdés
Luis Gibran Juárez Hernández


Purpose: To analyze construct validity and reliability of the instrument, “Evaluation for Training in Sustainability in Higher Education” composed of 27 items and four dimensions (Knowledge appropriation, University relationship, University education and Socioeconomic impact).

Methodology: Through the application of the instrument to 498 undergraduate students, an exploratory factor analysis was carried out to analyze the validity of the construct. Reliability was estimated using Cronbach's Alpha.

Results: The representation of all the items within the factorial model was found; however, differences were observed with respect to the theoretical proposal since the items were represented in six dimensions (University education, University relationship, Linkage and socioeconomic impact, Appropriation of knowledge, Application and social impact of sustainability and Evaluation of university sustainability) that explained more than 68 % of the variance. Overall reliability was optimal (Cronbach's Alpha: 0.903) as well as for each factor.

Limitations: The elements that make up the instrument restrict its application exclusively to higher education institutions.

Findings: A valid and reliable instrument is presented in which the elements that integrate it are related and represent the proposed construct.


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How to Cite
Martinez Valdés, M. G., & Juárez Hernández, L. G. (2020). Analysis of the construct validity and reliability of an instrument used to evaluate sustainability training in higher education. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 8(22).

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Author Biographies

Martín Gerardo Martinez Valdés, Universidad Tecnológica del Usumacinta

Doctor en Socioformación y Sociedad el Conocimiento, Universidad Tecnológica del Usumacinta (UTU), Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (UNACH), Centro Universitario CIFE. Sus líneas de investigación son: sostenibilidad e innovación empresarial.

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Luis Gibran Juárez Hernández, Centro Universitario CIFE

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