The business system as a contextual reference instrument for the development of productive information in about small industry in Mexico

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Emilio Andrés Martínez López


The microenterprise sector (small business) includes the smallest business units of the Mexican economy, which is formed by new born and small enterprises that belong to multiple production sectors that function as a shelter for unemployed people that live marginalized from the employment in the modern sector of the economy. This specification features the sector as heterogeneous which stereotypes it as a complex sector in its analysis, which makes it really difficult for different entities or institutions to propose solid training programs and opportunities to micro-entrepreneurs. This paper proposes to establish lines of formation of the micro-entrepreneurs “Productive Knowledge” through the guidance of the study and analysis of complex production setups presented in microenterprises contexts, recognized as “business systems” to prepare the ground for the construction of “Productive knowledge” from an intentional orientation (in the school, in other ways of guidance). The thesis of this paper argues that all microenterprise brings into their businesses activities, a unique configuration of “productive knowledge” and that they are the linchpin of the “business systems” integration, by which they give shape to the set of productive activities to work in a small business.


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How to Cite
Martínez López E. A. (2020). The business system as a contextual reference instrument for the development of productive information in about small industry in Mexico. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 1(2).

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Author Biography

Emilio Andrés Martínez López, Instituto Tecnológico Gustavo A. Madero

Maestro en Administración Pública por el Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE); y Doctor en Ciencias con espe- cialidad en Investigaciones Educativas por el CINVESTAV IPN México (2011).
Ha publicado artículos relacionados con saberes y microempresa, la formación para el trabajo, así también ha participado como consultor en diversos proyectos sociales relacionados con la formación de microempresarios y de jóvenes para el trabajo. Docente adscrito al Instituto Tecnológico Gustavo A. Madero.