Estimation of Municipal Income Distribution in Mexico

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Mario Miguel Ojeda Ramírez
Roberto Gallardo Del Ángel
Cecilia Cruz López


Purpose: To ffer an estimation of income distribution measures for municipalities in Mexico for year 2015, and also an analysis of municipal grants on income inequality.

Methodological design: We constructed Gini and Atkinson indexes using microdata from the Mexican inter-census survey 2015. We use these inequality indexes along with other several features of poverty and marginality to perform cluster analysis and classify municipalities. From our cluster analysis, we classified the municipalities in four groups: low, medium-low, medium-high and high-income inequality. Afterwards, we performed weighted least squares regressions to observe the effect of fiscal variables on inequality in each group.

Results: Although the objective of federal grants has been poverty instead of inequality, we offer evidence that income inequality is inversely affected by the design of federal grants. The regression analysis shows that conditional grants designed to reduce poverty might be increasing inequality, while unconditional grants may help to reduce income inequality even though this is not their policy objective.

Research limitations: The main limitation might be the lack of local statistics for other years to perform a dynamic analysis.

Findings: The overall effect of conditional grants on income distribution is small but still positive, showing that conditional grants do not reduce income inequality. The estimates show that the total effect is for lower income inequality, especially in those municipalities with high and very high inequality.


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How to Cite
Ojeda Ramírez, M. M., Gallardo Del Ángel, R., & Cruz López, C. (2021). Estimation of Municipal Income Distribution in Mexico. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 9(23).

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Author Biographies

Mario Miguel Ojeda Ramírez, Universidad Veracruzana

Professor-Researcher at the Faculty of Statistics and Computer Science of the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. D. in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Havana, Cuba. His lines of research are: Applied statistics, Statistical modeling and Statistical education. He is a member of the National System of Researchers, level 1, and a full member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.

Last publications:

  • Cruz, C. y Ojeda, M. M. (2020). Sobre la necesidad de implementar innovación en cursos introductorios de estadística: Un estudio exploratorio en la educación superior universitaria. En C.N. Bouza (Ed.) Estudios cuantitativos aplicados, tomo III. México: Universidad de la Habana /Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero.
  • Pérez‐Verdejo , J. M., Piña‐García C. A.,  Ojeda, M. M.,  Rivera‐Lara, L.,  and Méndez‐Morales, L. (2020). The rhythm of Mexico: an exploratory data analysis of Spotify’s top 50, Journal of Computational Social Science.
  • Ojeda, M. M., Cruz, C. y Flores, C. (2018). La perspectiva de los estudiantes de bachillerato sobre la estadística. En J.A. Montano y C. Cruz (Eds.). Aplicaciones de metodología estadística (pp. 140-162). Xalapa: Bubok publishing.

Roberto Gallardo Del Ángel, Universidad Veracruzana

Professor-Researcher at the Faculty of Economics of the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. PhD in Economics from Shiga University, Japan. His lines of research are: Labor economics, Public economics, Applied economics. Member of the National System of Researchers level 1.

Last publications:

  • Gallardo, R.  (2019). Analysis of local fiscal deficits in Mexico using artificial neural networks. Journal of Local Public Economics3(1), 01-12.

Cecilia Cruz López, Universidad Veracruzana

Full-time Interim Research Professor at the Institute of Forestry Research, Universidad Veracruzana. D. in Educational Research Lines of research Statistical Education, Applications of Statistical Methodology, Linear Modeling.

Last publications:

  • Cruz, C. y Ojeda, M. M. (2020). Sobre la necesidad de implementar innovación en cursos introductorios de estadística: Un estudio exploratorio en la educación superior universitaria. En C.N. Bouza (Ed.). Estudios cuantitativos aplicados, tomo III. México: Universidad de la Habana / Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero.
  • Cruz, C. y Ojeda, M. M. (2018). La opinión de los estudiantes sobre el uso de las Metas de Aprendizaje de la Estadística en cursos introductorios de la Universidad Veracruzana. Revista de investigación operacional, 39(2), 181-191.
  • Ojeda, M. M., Cruz, C. y Flores, C. (2018). La perspectiva de los estudiantes de bachillerato sobre la estadística. En J.A. Montano y C. Cruz (Eds.). Aplicaciones de metodología estadística (pp. 140-162). Xalapa: Bubok publishing.