Patents as a capability indicator for the entrepreneurial university: the case of IPN

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Rubén Oliver Espinoza
Diana Priscila Estrella Santiago
Rigoberto Arroyo-Cortez


Purpose: To identify entrepreneurial capacity of the National Polytechnic Institute (ipn) through patent registration.

Methodological design: Fields of knowledge and academic units involved in patented inventions are identified through indicators of network centrality. Principal component analysis is applied to these indicators to conglomerate and hierarchize the fields and units.

Results: The multivariate methods applied in the study prove effective in systematizing and arranging network indicators, which were instrumental in distinguishing the significance and importance of various fields of knowledge and the academic units associated with patenting. These findings yield some some implications related to the entrepreneurial aspect of the ipn (National Polytechnic Institute), which in turn open up avenues of  research concerning knowledge transfer and management.

Research limitations: The patent is a potential marketable asset; however, from the review of the patent databases, entrepeneurship cannot be  directly inferred, although it is one of the relevant indicators of an entrepreneurial university, as it is understood that such universities aim to commercialize the knowledge they generate.

Findings: The most relevant fields of knowledge for inventive activity correspond to technologies that, within the academic organization of the IPN, fall under the category of medical-biological sciences, such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and health. Patenting activity in these areas is concentrated in relatively few academic units. Conversely, patenting activity in engineering and physical-mathematical sciences is concentrated in fewer fields of knowledge, but involves a more diverse participation among academic units.


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How to Cite
Oliver Espinoza, R., Estrella Santiago, D. P., & Arroyo-Cortez, R. (2023). Patents as a capability indicator for the entrepreneurial university: the case of IPN. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 11(25), 1–27.

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Author Biographies

Rubén Oliver Espinoza, Center for Economic, Administrative and Social Research, IPN

Collegiate Professor

Recent publicatons:

Oliver, R. y Stezano, F. (2022). Inserción de empresas mexicanas en la cadena de valor biotecnológica. En Amaro, M. (coord.) Aspectos socioeconómicos e institucionales de la biotecnología en México (pp. 63-86). México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Barragán, A., Oliver, R., Longar, M.P. y Gómez, H. (2022). Technological development and patent analysis: the case of biopharmacy in the world and in Latin America. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society, 5(1), 2111112,
Trejo, J. y Oliver, R. (2022). Alfabetización mediática y digital en México. Un análisis bibliométrico 2000-2021. Voces de la Educación, número especial: Desafíos pedagógicos de la educación híbrida,

Diana Priscila Estrella Santiago, Center for Economic, Administrative and Social Research, IPN

PhD candidate in Innovation in Local Environments

Recent publications:

Estrella, D. y Gómez, H. (2023). Actividad de patentamiento en Internet de las Cosas para Gestión del Tráfico. Economía Teoría y práctica, 31(59), pp. (en prensa)
Oliver-Espinoza, R., y Estrella, D. (2021). Patentes biotecnológicas con aplicaciones a la salud: exploración y algunas aplicaciones. En R. Oliver y F. Stezano, Actividades de innovación de empresas de biotecnología en México (pp. 164-184). México: Porrúa.
Mackenzie, F., Estrella, D., Longar, M., Oliver, R. y Gómez, H. (2019). Mapas de ruta aplicados para el desarrollo de competencias en maquinado de piezas metálicas, en A. Barragán, H. Gómez y R. Oliver (editores) Métodos y herramientas de gestión tecnológica (pp. 149-168). México: Colofón Ediciones Académicas.

Rigoberto Arroyo-Cortez, Center for Economic, Administrative and Social Research, IPN

Visiting Professor and Postdoctoral Fellow

Recent publications:

Padilla-Viveros, A. y Arroyo-Cortez, R. (2022). A Roadmap for Innovation on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) in Oil and Gas Pipelines. In OnePetro (Ed.), AMPP Annual Conference + Expo (AMPP-2022-18204). Association for Materials Protection and Performance.
Arroyo-Cortez, R., y Jiménez-Domínguez, R. V. (2014). Tecnología LED para un Programa Mejorado de Luz Sustentable. Mundo Siglo XXI, IX(33), 71–80.
Arroyo-Cortez, R., y Jiménez-Domínguez, R. V. (2013). Three generations of luminous devices: a comparison in search of energy efficiency and ecology care. 4th International Congress on Alternative Energies, 4.


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