Book Review. "Learning to Coexist: Narratives from Latin American Schools"

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Héctor Manuel Rodríguez Figueroa


The book is a compilation of stories that mix real stories, people, and sayings, through which it seeks to portray the everyday problems of coexistence that occur in Latin American schools. Indeed, the authors capture in their texts the problems, frustrations, and inertia experienced in schools in the region, which allows those of us involved in education to identify with what is narrated. In addition to the stories, the work includes colorful illustrations by Lorenza Elorriaga that represent diversity, integration, care, appreciation, collaborative work, and participation, in line with the underlying themes of the texts.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Figueroa, H. M. (2023). Book Review. "Learning to Coexist: Narratives from Latin American Schools". Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 11(25), 1–3.

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Author Biography

Héctor Manuel Rodríguez Figueroa, Universidad Iberoamericana León

Ph.D. in Sociocultural Studies from the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. He is an academic in Social Sciences and Humanities at the Universidad Iberoamericana León. His research areas include school coexistence, school violence, school effectiveness, methodology, higher education, and upper secondary education. He is a member of the National Researchers System (SNI) as a National Candidate.