The entrepreneurial process of a Solidarity Collaboration Network from the Actor-Network Theory

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Jesús Murillo Gómez
Gibran Rivera González
David Salvador Cruz Rodriguez


Purpose:  To document and analyze the experience of creation, growth and decline of a Solidarity Collaboration Network in Mexico City based on the theoretical-methodological approach of the Actor-Network Theory, in order to understand the role of the key actors, the dynamics that are experienced and the challenges and problems they face in their different stages of development.

Methodological design: From a qualitative approach and through a case study, we propose the use of the translation process of the Actor-Network Theory as a theoretical-methodological guide to explore and interpret the findings.

Results: the paper reveals the different maneuvers, actions and tensions that led to the construction of the emerging network and its subsequent decline. Five moments describing this process were analyzed: planning of the venture, creation, formalization, growth and decline of the network where both human and non-human actors have influence in different parts of the process.

Research limitations: Are linked to the fact that the findings arise from a specific case, however, they can serve as a guide for the study of similar cases and, above all, to generate a greater understanding of the different actions that can arise in the operation of a collaborative network.

Findings: The paper reveals the key role of both human and non-human actors and how they influenced both the growth and decline of the network. It also identifies new facets of the emergence and development of a Solidarity Collaborative Network as a function of the incorporation of the translation process. Methodologically, it was possible to observe the value of the Actor-Network Theory as a relevant methodological theoretical tool that can help to analyze and describe how a collaborative network is constituted and stabilized.


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How to Cite
Murillo Gómez, J., Rivera González, G. ., & Cruz Rodriguez , D. S. . (2024). The entrepreneurial process of a Solidarity Collaboration Network from the Actor-Network Theory. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 12(26), 1–20.

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Author Biographies

Jesús Murillo Gómez, Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Ingeniería y Ciencias Sociales y Administrativas IPN

Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies for Small and Medium Enterprises from the Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Engineering and Social and Administrative Sciences (UPIICSA) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). He is a fourth-semester student of the Ph.D. program in Management and Innovation Policies offered at UPIICSA of the IPN. His research areas include social economy, alternative commercialization and consumption in the social economy, and social innovation.

Gibran Rivera González, Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Ingeniería y Ciencias Sociales y Administrativas IPN

Ph. D. in Information Studies from the University of Sheffield. He currently holds the position of Research Professor at the Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Engineering and Social and Administrative Sciences (UPIICSA) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). His research areas include social innovation, knowledge management, practice theory, and actor-network theory. Member of the National System of Researchers, Level 1.

David Salvador Cruz Rodriguez , Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Ingeniería y Ciencias Sociales y Administrativas IPN

Ph.D. in Organizational Studies from UAM Iztapalapa. He currently serves as a Research Professor at the Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Engineering and Social and Administrative Sciences (UPIICSA) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). His research areas include organizational studies, social and solidarity economy, and technology in organizations. Member of the National System of Researchers, Level 1.


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