Disabilities and Imprisonment: Criteria on Accumulated Discrimination

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Berenice Pérez Ramírez


This article deals with the problem of imprisoned persons with disabilities, showing the omissions which exist in studies on this matter. This problem is conceived from the critical viewpoint on disabilities and through an analysis of gender, proposing that there is no given objective of research and intervention. Thus, the construction of this analysis entails a position which, from the point of view of social work, will always be political and social, taking into account all of the subjects involved and the relationships which exist among them. The final thought leads to emphasizing the fact that specific problems should not get in the way of understanding the general context, because there is danger of contributing to the welfare state which distributes resources to evermore disintegrated subjects. Therefore, social work plays a predominant role in building sustained criticism of specific policies, thus avoiding, the production of tutelage identities which are continuously stigmatized.

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How to Cite
Pérez Ramírez, B. (2016). Disabilities and Imprisonment: Criteria on Accumulated Discrimination. Trabajo Social UNAM, (5), 63–76. https://doi.org/10.22201/ents.20075987p.2014.5.54246

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