Disability, Conflicts and Mediation

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María Paz García-Longoria Serrano


The purpose of the article is to present a facet of intervention in Social Work in the sphere of persons with disabilities through support for resolving conflicts which affect them, through mediation. Some of the problems connected with the workplace, formal organization and the family are presented. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the role of the mediator is incorporated into Social Work in this new space in which some of its actions and principles are adapted to mediating intervention: support in decision making, autonomy and communication.

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How to Cite
García-Longoria Serrano, M. P. (2016). Disability, Conflicts and Mediation. Trabajo Social UNAM, (5), 43–62. https://doi.org/10.22201/ents.20075987p.2014.5.54552

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