El aula invertida como opción para evitar la deserción escolar

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Silvia Arely Rodríguez Camacho


This paper is developed due to the needs that teachers at cch may experiment with through their teaching journey. It is about a flipped classroom teaching approach that may solve learning issues that students could experiment with during their learning acquisition. This could be a way to give students all the information they need for a course. They can use the information whenever they need it or want, according to their needs and the access or technological issues they can experiment with. The paper is based on how an lms can
be helpful to contain all the material and information that a teacher can require to transmit concepts and information and exercises to enrich a course.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Camacho, S. A. (2024). El aula invertida como opción para evitar la deserción escolar. Eutopía, 14(36), 42–48. Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/eutopia/article/view/88172

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Author Biography

Silvia Arely Rodríguez Camacho, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, UNAM

Profesora de carrera de medio tiempo del Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (CCH) plantel Oriente.