Programas digitales sobre la cultura y vida cotidiana para la enseñanza de la Historia en el CCH

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Humberto Domínguez Chávez


This article presents a didactical proposal to support the teaching of History of Mexico, which is based on the topics of culture and daily life of diverse periods; this was done through the design and elaboration of specific computational programs.

These programs intend to involve students in a cultural and anthropological alternative that allows them strengthen not only their historic knowledge, but also involve them on the valuation and appraisal of the cultural changes and daily life in which our country, its institutions, and its population have had in diverse epochs. These didactic materials, which have been developed in the last five years, have been published on line in the Portal Académico of Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, after being evaluated by the different academic collegiate bodies of our institution.


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How to Cite
Domínguez Chávez, H. (2016). Programas digitales sobre la cultura y vida cotidiana para la enseñanza de la Historia en el CCH. HistoriAgenda, (31). Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Humberto Domínguez Chávez

Arqueólogo por la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia y Maestro en Antropología por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, FFL, de la UNAM (1978); con estudios de doctorado en Historia (FFL) y en Educación (Universidad La Salle). Profesor de Historia en el Plantel Azcapotzalco desde 1973, en 2008 recibió el Premio Universidad Nacional en Docencia en Educación Media.