From conditional cash transfers to universal citizen’s income?

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Pablo Yanes


Given the profound changes in the world of work and the increasing restrictions manifested by conditional transfer programs to overcome the intergenerational transmission of poverty, a new analytical approach to take charge of the contradictions and structural limitations of the human capital theory, but above all the recognition of a new human right, is proposed: the Universal Citizen Income (UCI) and a set of fiscal and social policies that make it viable adopting a strategy of progressiveness.

It is sustained that the establishment in Mexico of the uci constitutes a lever of social transformation that would not only overcome income poverty definitively and improve income distribution substantially, but the UCI also has a powerful component of emancipation for expanding freedoms and the construction of the autonomy and independence of people

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How to Cite
Yanes, P. (2016). From conditional cash transfers to universal citizen’s income?. Acta Sociológica, (70), 129–149.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Pablo Yanes, CEPAL (Comisión Económica Para América Latina)

Coordinador de Investigaciones, a.i., de la sede subregional de la cepal en México. Las opiniones aquí vertidas no necesariamente coinciden con las del Sistema de Naciones Unidas. Maestro en Gobiernos y Asuntos Públicos por la unam. Líneas de investigación: desigualdad, pobreza, desarrollo social, derechos humanos, pueblos indígenas, políticas públicas. Correo electrónico: