Republic and Deliberative Democracy: Keys to its Theoretical Convergence

Main Article Content

Sergio Ortiz Leroux
Jesús Carlos Morales Guzmán


Contemporary deliberative democracy proposals have paid little attention to classical and modern republican discourse, and the design of the Republican State does not usually dwell on current models of deliberative democracy. In this text will be support, on the one hand, that democratic deliberation can play a decisive role both in defining the direction of the Republic and in the processes and institutions that guarantee its operation and, on the other hand, that parts Republican architecture are key to build and maintain genuinely a free and open democratic deliberation. In addition, in the article will be offered reasons and arguments to justify, first, that a good republic supported by justice and the law cannot do without democratic deliberation, and second, that a good deliberative democracy cannot turn his back on the republican notion of freedom as non-domination.

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How to Cite
Ortiz Leroux, S., & Morales Guzmán, J. C. (2017). Republic and Deliberative Democracy: Keys to its Theoretical Convergence. Acta Sociológica, (71), 123–143.

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Author Biographies

Sergio Ortiz Leroux, Profesor investigador de tiempo completo de la Academia de Ciencia Política y Administración Urbana de la UACM

Doctor en Ciencia Política por la FLACSO-México.

Jesús Carlos Morales Guzmán, Profesor visitante en el Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco.

Doctor de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales con mención en Ciencia Política por FLACSO-México.