Between the civil and the politics. Dialogues and tensions as of the experience of the Union of Cooperatives Tosepan Titataniske

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Silvia Nuria Jurado Celis


Civil society is a concept which consolidates during XVI and XVIII centuries. Since then it has been useful to designate a part of society which, among other features, is separated from government spaces, that’s why it is considered in a different place from politics. However the history seems show us something different, it is the case of some of the civil society organizations, which have changed its objective: from specifically productive issues, to the influence on the politics spaces. This paper show the peasant autonomous organization sample, which, in specific social moments, have transgressed the specific productive space, and show its capability to work in the civil and politic context. This analysis try to give some clues about what imply civil society nowadays, specially in rural context.

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How to Cite
Jurado Celis, S. N. (2017). Between the civil and the politics. Dialogues and tensions as of the experience of the Union of Cooperatives Tosepan Titataniske. Acta Sociológica, (74), 131–152.

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Author Biography

Silvia Nuria Jurado Celis, Centro de Investigación de Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Unidad Pacífico Sur

Doctora en Desarrollo rural por la UAM-X, investigadora de estancia posdoctoral en Centro de Investigación de Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Unidad Pacífico Sur.