Creativity work in scientific asymmetries. The case of emerging diseases in Yucatan.

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César Guzmán Tovar


The study of emerging diseases has been developed for several decades in Yucatan (Mexico). Biology, entomology, virology, immunology,medicine, and other disciplines have ​​built a tradition on this issue in the region; however, the trajectory of this field of knowledge has been influenced by the scientific agendas of central regions in scientific production (the United States and Western Europe, mainly). This article analyzes the relationship between centers and peripheries, highlighting the asymmetries and the creative work of Yucatan scientists to resist them. It is concluded that the scientific practices of researchers in Yucatan respond to global agendas but simultaneously produce breaking points thanks to a creative dimension in the construction of knowledge.

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How to Cite
Guzmán Tovar, C. (2024). Creativity work in scientific asymmetries. The case of emerging diseases in Yucatan . Acta Sociológica, (93), 69–92.

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Author Biography

César Guzmán Tovar, ENES Mérida-UNAM.

  • Doctor en Investigación en Ciencias Sociales con mención en Sociología, FLACSO- México, 2017.
  • Profesor Asociado de Tiempo Completo en la ENES Mérida-UNAM.


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