This issue is more focused on the Latin American reality, both theoretical and in case studies. The connection between biopolitics and the reality of the countries of "South America" is not new (Canclini, 1989; Castro-Gómez, 1996). There is also a line of study of the biopolitical control of the body as a historical phenomenon (García, 2000; Lopez, 1998; Nouzeilles 2000). In recent years, the connection between necropolitics and Latin America has increased (Valencia, 2018; Estevez, 2021; Lepe-Carrión et al, (2020). Faced with these new realities, some have proposed new categories such as corporate necropolitics and as counter-power with subversive necropolitics (Ohlson, 2022)


Published: 2023-02-15

No. 88-89 (2022): Reflections on Biopolitics and Necropolitics


Obed Frausto Gatica, Luz María Lozano Suárez
