Recalling Gregarious Selser to twenty years of his death

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Stephen A. Hassam
Jorge Turner Morales
Raquel Sosa Elízaga


The following expanded text, based on a talk presented on July 28, 2010 at the Center for Latin American Studies, consists of two parts: the first consists of biographical notes, possibly useful for future research work Gregarious Selser; the second is a reflection on the influence of the notion of the human being emanating from the Age of Enlightenment in the thought and work of Selser.


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How to Cite
Hassam, S. A., Turner Morales, J., & Sosa Elízaga, R. (2011). Recalling Gregarious Selser to twenty years of his death. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (27-28), 145–162.

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