The non-trade issues the Free Trade Area of the Americas

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Jaime G. Delgado Rojas


Trade was the main issue discussed at the integration process in occidental hemisphere between presidents and ministers and the enterprise sector. The continental integration scheme "Americas Free Trade Area" became an insubtituible reality. However, presidential rhetoric at Miami and Santiago's Summits was plenty of non-commercial issues, while ministerial practical, enterprise dynamic and even, civil society saw a project focus and hegemonized with the free trade rules. According to this, the article presents and analyzes issues and concepts out of commercial terms that have been discussed at different regional meeting viewing to hemisphere integration.


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How to Cite
Delgado Rojas, J. G. (2000). The non-trade issues the Free Trade Area of the Americas. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 7(14), 73–96.

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