Critical reflection and purposeful on open regionalism in Latin America

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Alfredo Guerra-Borges


The term of Open-Regionalism is loaded with hazardous components for the definition of strategy since both terms contradict each other. In 1994, the Latin American Commission (CEPAL) proposed a definition that was coherent with the general understanding of the emerging model. This enabled a critical debate on the issue, which we illustrate in this article. Furthermore, in 1996, the same organization stressed, without redefining the term but separating itself from the original interpretation, the limitations of Open-Regionalism This article makes a proposition of an integrating strategy called Regionalism of Globalism that might, in the process, redefine Open-Regionalism (this, if the term continues to be used).


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How to Cite
Guerra-Borges, A. (2019). Critical reflection and purposeful on open regionalism in Latin America. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 6(11), 7–20.

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