Identificación de correspondencias entre modos de regulación moral y algunas variables demográficas desde la perspectiva del análisis contingencial

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Eugenio Díaz Anaya
Gabriela Sánchez G.
Zaira Vega Valero


The aim of this paper is to report the outcomes of a study on moral behavior from the theoretical perspective of a contingency analysis system. It describes the analysis on the relationship between moral regulation styles (prescription, prohibition, advice, penalty provision, warning, comparison, conditioning, and failure expectancy) and variables such as age, marital status, gender, number of children and occupation of caregivers. This work is part of a general research project which deals with the functional analysis of factors involved in the assessment of moral behavior from an interbehavioral perspective, so it meets the guidelines outlined in this particular view on the psychological phenomena. To achieve research goals, development and implementation of an instrument built in order to identify correspondences between the chosen elements. This instrument was a Likert scale which provides situations which demand explicit moral judgments. It includes eleven possible styles of moral regulation, and identifies trends: 1) never 2) rarely, 3) sometimes 4) almost always 5) Always.

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How to Cite
Díaz Anaya, E., Sánchez G., G., & Vega Valero, Z. (2010). Identificación de correspondencias entre modos de regulación moral y algunas variables demográficas desde la perspectiva del análisis contingencial. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 12(3). Retrieved from

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