Patrón de personalidad tipo C y su relación con el cáncer de mama y cérvico-uterino

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César Eduardo Molina Vázquez
Oralia Rocío Hernández Loeza
Zaira Eugenia de Jesús Sarquis Alarcón


The present investigation consists of a study of type correlacional, whose general mission was to determine if relation exists between the boss of personality type C in 20 women who suffer cancer of breast and 20 women with cérvico-uterine cancer that they lodge in the lodging "Help Me Brother I Have Cancer" , members of the group "Support Veracruzano to Patients of Cancer", and patients of Cancerología's State Center “Dr. Miguel Dorantes Mesa” located in Xalapa's City; Veracruz, Mexico. This relation decided with the application of the instrument of psychological evaluation "Autoreport of Personality type C" Anarte and cols. (1998), in addition, one tried to know if significant difference exists in the frequency of the boss of personality type C in both groups, likewise, to carry out a deeper statistical analysis was analyzed in agreement to the psychological instrument "Factors of personality" Fernandez and Mercado (1992) if the boss of personality type A or B occurs in 40 women with cancer. There were obtained frequencies and percentages of the observed variables and when like that it was needed it was carried out ji-squared in that information on a large scale nominally. In case of the changeable age, provided that it is a question of a variable of reason, a test was carried out t-Student and the information shows themselves as the average ± standard mistake (S.E.M) for this variable. In agreement to the psychological instrument "Factors of personality", 50 % brings(reports) the boss of personality has type A and other one 50 % the boss of personality type B. Whereas, in case of the instrument of psychological evaluation "Autoreport of Personality type C", 100 % of the women with cancer proves to be this boss of personality, independently of the type of cancer that is had, this confirms the hypothesis: the boss of personality type C is equal of frequently in women with cancer of breast and cérvico-uterine.

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How to Cite
Molina Vázquez, C. E., Hernández Loeza, O. R., & Sarquis Alarcón, Z. E. de J. (2010). Patrón de personalidad tipo C y su relación con el cáncer de mama y cérvico-uterino. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 12(4). Retrieved from

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