Descripción y análisis del concepto de diferenciación

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Edilberta Joselina Ibáñez Reyes
Xóchitl Verónica Guzmán Mercado
José de Jesús Vargas Flores


The main objective of this work is to do a wider application of the Instrument for the Differentiation Evaluation (Vargas, Ibáñez and Armas, 2009) to describe in a more precise and extended way the statistical characteristics of the instrument. It takes place on a conceptual revision about differentiation construct. The factorial analysis shows that it is an instrument monofactorial; also, the instrument behaves in a normal ware according to its frequency distribution. All of this confirms the operation possibilities of the differentiation construct and the elaboration of a valid and reliable instrument that can be applied.

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How to Cite
Ibáñez Reyes, E. J., Guzmán Mercado, X. V., & Vargas Flores, J. de J. (2010). Descripción y análisis del concepto de diferenciación. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 13(1). Retrieved from

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