Jóvenes, participación política y campaña del miedo

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Irene Aguado Herrera
Laura Palomino Garibay


The objective is to analyze how the young people perceived the so-called campaign of fear set during the electoral process of 2006 against PRD’s candidate, Andrés Manual López Obrador, as well as their perception of his political participation within the generated context by this campaign. In order to pursue this objective it was implemented a workshop called “The Campaign of fear and the political participation” in which we counted with the participation of 80 undergraduate students from the psychology department. The obtained discourse by this workshop was analyzed taking into consideration the next elements: a) Evoked social elements, b) Impact and appropriation of messages and c) Role this elements played in their electoral preference.

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How to Cite
Aguado Herrera, I., & Palomino Garibay, L. (2010). Jóvenes, participación política y campaña del miedo. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 13(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/repi/article/view/17656

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