Representaciones sociales del ambulantaje en el D.F. en comerciantes establecidos, consumidores y comerciantes en vía pública

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Marco Antonio González Pérez


A research investigation was completed in the main zones of Mexico City where informal commerce takes place on daily bases (Centro Histórico, Coyoacán, San Felipe de Jesús, Xochimilco, San Cosme y Henry Ford). Four hundred and sixty six surveys were applied to 266 informal merchants, 100 formally established merchants, and 100 consumers of informal activities. In order to capture all the information received, a “mirror” survey was design in order to evaluate the following aspects: Origins of the social representation of the informal commerce, Justification for the existence of informal commerce, Internal organization of this activity, Social and economical implications for the formal commerce, Power of corporations and corruption, and Possible solutions. Statistical results provide us relevant information to understand the studied subject. For example, the results reveal that most of the people who work as an informal merchant, lives in Mexico City and not outskirts. Moreover, it is important to observe that a close relationship has been established between informal and formal merchants, in which mutual support exists. Also, consumers affirmed to be pleased with the quality of products acquired in informal markets. Finally, a social representation shared by the three participant groups in the investigation was discovered, and another one that confronts informal and formally established merchants.

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How to Cite
González Pérez, M. A. (2010). Representaciones sociales del ambulantaje en el D.F. en comerciantes establecidos, consumidores y comerciantes en vía pública. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 13(2). Retrieved from

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