El papel de las creencias en el proceso de titulación

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María Antonieta Dorantes Gómez


One of the problems that exist of Psychology in FES IZTACALA is the low rate of titled students. For many of the graduates of the career, the process of thesis elaboration is problematic. The supportive work for the graduates in the career of Psychology has included the development of the workshops that have the objective of offering favorable conditions in the process of obtaining a degree. The present investigation task suggest from one of this spaces. The theoretical frame that support our works is the Neurolinguistic Programming. Within this theoretical frame we conducted an investigation in which the objective was to identify the believes of a group of women graduates regarding their own process of titling. To identify the believes of the graduates regarding their titling process a questionnaire was designed which approached the causes that the women graduates identified as reasons why the had not titled themselves, the believes they had in regarding to their capacity to achieve the activities related to their titling, as well as the significance they granted to not have titled and to do title themselves. The results showed that the majority of the women graduates (approximately a 60%) considered as one of the causes fro not have titled to the lack of internal resources (discipline, courage, lack o knowledge) and of external resources such as money and time. Regards the significance which they attribute for not having a degree close to 70% associated this with defeated feelings, frustration anger and guilt. With regards to the significance that was given to obtaining a degree,100% of them associated it to professional and personal development. Finally with regards to believes on their capacity to achieve activities aimed to obtain degree, a 41% of these women graduates did not considerer themselves capable or answering the questions asked during professional exam.

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How to Cite
Dorantes Gómez, M. A. (2010). El papel de las creencias en el proceso de titulación. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 12(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/repi/article/view/17709

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