Estrategia educativa para el desarrollo de conductas de autocuidado en mujeres del policlínico plaza de la revolución en Cuba

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Matilde de la C. Molina Cintra


There are several theories that explain and propose models for healthy behaviors. Among them, the models of change by stages are very effective because they conceptualizethe preventive action as a process that requires successive actions corresponding to different objectives that, linked, increase the probability of arriving to the final phase of learning of the target behavior. Hence, it was designed, applied and evaluated a program based on these educational models to achieve, in the primary attention level of health, auto-care behaviors in women. It was carried out a quasi experimental investigation with 40 women of the policlínico Plaza de la Revolution, divided into two groups, one experimental and one control. Assessment involved questionnaires, structured interviews, and participative techniques. As a result, knowledge,attitudes and practical behaviors increased in the experimental group. Promiscuous sexual relationships, sexual transmission illnesses, early beginning of sexual relationships and the appropiate personal hygiene were the risk factors more frecuently identified. Changes took place toward the adoption of more preventive behaviors in the experimental group, in 90% of the women. There were differences statistically significant between the control group and the experimental one. It is concluded that the effectiveness of the educational methods of changes by stages was demonstrated. It was possible to increase the knowledge of the women related to cervical uterine cancer and their behavior mobilized for the realization of auto care behaviors and health protection.

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How to Cite
Molina Cintra, M. de la C. (2010). Estrategia educativa para el desarrollo de conductas de autocuidado en mujeres del policlínico plaza de la revolución en Cuba. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 11(1). Retrieved from

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