Hábitos de estudio y rendimiento escolar en alumnos regulares e irregulares de la carrera de médico cirujano de la FESI, UNAM

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Rafael Sánchez de Tagle Herrera
Leticia Osornio Castillo
Luis Heshiki Nakandakari
Leo Raymundo Garcés Dorantes


This research has objective to determine the relationship between the study habits and the academic efficiency among students from the career of Doctor Surgeon from FESI, UNAM 2007 generation. The research was as descriptive and transevrsal type. The sample was random, including 252 students from second semester of Medicine, divided in 2 groups according to their academic situation: regulars and irregulars; to whom was applied a questionnaire of study habits from Brown & Holztman (1984), that includes the study organization scales, study techniques and motivation to study. when applying the "t" of student, in order to compare regular versus irregular students, there were found significant statistical differences in the study organization. Regular students were also divided in 2 groups: high and low efficiency, and was oberved significant statistical differences in the study organization and study techniques. Although the significant differences found, both groups, regulars and irregulars showed results below the norm for university students.

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How to Cite
Sánchez de Tagle Herrera, R., Osornio Castillo, L., Heshiki Nakandakari, L., & Garcés Dorantes, L. R. (2010). Hábitos de estudio y rendimiento escolar en alumnos regulares e irregulares de la carrera de médico cirujano de la FESI, UNAM. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 11(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/repi/article/view/18550

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