Cáncer de Mama y Depresión

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Gabriela Pérez Alburquerque


The depression is a disease that takes greater force when it accompanies some other suffering as it is the cancer. The breast cancer is the first cause of death by this disease between the feminine population (Hurtado, G. et. al., 2004), reason why is precise to know the psychological effects that it produces and this way to improve the interdisciplinary intervention for a better quality of life of the patient and of the family who accompanies it in her process. The association that exists between breast cancer and depression was investigated,applyng to 20 patients of the General Hospital of Mexico the Beck's Depression Inventory. The results analysis shows that does not exist statistically significant association between breast cancer and depression; the results could be a consequence of the sample and the influence ofother factors, like the type of personality.

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How to Cite
Pérez Alburquerque, G. (2010). Cáncer de Mama y Depresión. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 9(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/repi/article/view/19021

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