Se cazan más moscas con miel que con vinagre: eufemismos como construcción social

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Domingo J Marqués Reyes


This article establishes language and rhetoric as an art of expression and persuasion. Some examples are: marketing, consumerism, and political jargon. The origin and use of euphemism and dysphemism as a social construct in various areas such as war is explained. A detailed description and examples of the impact of euphemisms on psychology is offered. Specifically, in clinical psychology, where they affirm stigma in patients and caretakers.

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How to Cite
Marqués Reyes, D. J. (2010). Se cazan más moscas con miel que con vinagre: eufemismos como construcción social. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 9(3). Retrieved from

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