Dos modelos para identificar e intervenir en los problemas del desarrollo psicológico en niños con síndrome Down

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Milagros Damián Díaz


In this work is present two cases about Syndrome Down Children whose were evaluated with two different forms, one of them it was standard test Brunet and Lezine, another it was a check list (Damián, 2003) in order to valuate the psychological development in children whose taking psychological treatment, furthermore the objectives to reach for the children in the different areas of psychological development were count for to compared the advances before and after the treatment (early stimulation). The results indicate important advances in the psychological developmental after the treatment. Especially the check list to permit identified more specific behaviors, but the level of psychological development it was similar in both evaluation forms.

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How to Cite
Damián Díaz, M. (2010). Dos modelos para identificar e intervenir en los problemas del desarrollo psicológico en niños con síndrome Down. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 8(1). Retrieved from

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