La complejidad epistémica en las relaciones de amistad de los adolescentes. Un acercamiento a su estudio

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Yorkys Santana González
María del Pilar Soteras del Toro


The relationships of friendship are not to the margin of the complex social relationships determining behaviors that favor or they distort the behavior waited by the society, fundamentally of the adolescents. Nevertheless when investigating on the relationships of friendship it would be magnanimous to build the theories specifically starting from their attainment and execution, but the reality epistemic that we have lived in the social sciences, in the thematic one, it demonstrates us that queries that question us the production of that knowledge with features kantiano on the social manifestation exist. In this work we come closer to some key queries as: what espistemofils they attempt against the study that is carried out on the relationships of friendship in the adolescence, how to avoid them, reason is thought this way the friendship, what they underlie in the concepts frequently worked, what instruments they have characterized, evaluated, predicted and recommended the relationships of these adolescents' friendship, how to be able to build knowledge that allow to be more scientific, systematic in the study of these relationships of friendship. A reflection was made on this cognitive production in favor of propitiating a dynamic construction that guides us and guide in the weaknesses that we possess, as well as to avoid to make in the future, errors that attempt against the scientific and practical well-being of these investigations in the society.

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How to Cite
Santana González, Y., & Soteras del Toro, M. del P. (2010). La complejidad epistémica en las relaciones de amistad de los adolescentes. Un acercamiento a su estudio. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 8(1). Retrieved from

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