Elaboración de una escala de actitudes respecto a la sexualidad de personas con discapacidad mental

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Laura Oliva Zárate
Magaly Calderón Vidal


The study presents the reability in the elaboration and testing on an attitude scale towards sexuality, of the person with mental disorder. Scale was implemented to 104 students of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Universidad Veracruzana of Xalapa-Mexico. Introductory reliability of the scale composed of 24 items was .6998, the final scale reached a Cronbach´s alpha of .7266 with a total of 16 items. Finally, it was conclused the study is reliable for measuring attitudes towards the sexuality of people with mental disorder.

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How to Cite
Zárate, L. O., & Calderón Vidal, M. (2010). Elaboración de una escala de actitudes respecto a la sexualidad de personas con discapacidad mental. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 13(4). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/repi/article/view/22584

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