La construcción de una versión en torno al origen

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Roxana Elizabeth Gaudio


Piera Aulagnier states that practice cannot but be theoretical and clinical. She emphasizes the implications that theory has when it comes to listening, which implies the preservation of the alliance between what is known from the conceptual framework and what is unexpected and founded in the meeting with singularity. The articulation of what is known and what is an unexpected lead to the introduction of the place of knowledge and the position adopted with it. It is under these coordinates that the clinical case is introduced. The author claims that the possible senses implied by the presentation of the case shown to the practitioner expose the researcher to his or her scheme of thought. Then, the complex relation established between the conceptual field and the practice is delimited; therefore, the placed taken up by the clinical case within the research process is circumscribed. A child’s clinical features will be presented in connection with the guidelines developed, within the framework given for the work proposals pertaining to the Specialization in Clinical Psychoanalysis with Children and Adolescents, at the School of Psychology of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, directed by Psychologist Norma Najt. During the presentation, we will privilege certain axes, which imply a plausible cutting of its reading, in terms of the connection between theory and clinical features. Since we see the psyche as a psyche in construction, subjectivity must be considered in terms of the meeting between the logical times (the structuring movements of the apparatus) and their set-up within a chronology (which involves the body). Such meeting sets a limit on singularity, movement and origin time, in reference with the other’s desire – more than one “other”, in fact, who takes its predecessor’s place. Children and adolescents’ clinical psychology develops within the complex border between the intra-psyche and the inter-subjective, where the trans-generational introduces the familiar inside its link to the past, as long as the continuity needed by the group to get settled within an identifying references entanglement is favoured, as Kaës points out.

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How to Cite
Gaudio, R. E. (2010). La construcción de una versión en torno al origen. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 13(4). Retrieved from

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