Valores en un grupo de abogados de la ciudad de Lima

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Mirian Pilar Grimaldo Muchotrigo


The aim of this study is to identify and compare the value system in a group of lawyers, by sex and age. The sample consisted of 114 lawyers, of whom 55 were males and 59 females, aged between 25 and 50 years, the average age being 34 years. The instrument used was the Portrait Value Questionnaire of Schwartz. The instrument validation process was conducted from construct validity, for which we used the exploratory factor analysis, confirming the existence of two factors. As applied to the reliability of Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha. The statistics used were frequency distribution tables and percentages, arithmetic mean, t test and ANOVA. In conclusion, the participants prioritized: self-direction, universalism, benevolence and security. The least values selected by participants were: power, and tradition. There were no significant differences according to sex. In relation to age, differences were found in universalism and stimulation values. In this group, was confirm the theoretical proposal of Schwartz (1992) of the two bipolar dimensions in the study of values, because on one hand, stands as an important value selfdirection (Dimension Change Orientation) versus traditional value (Dimension of Conservation), as one of the least important values. Also, is valued universalism and benevolence (Dimension of Self-Transcendence) versus another value chosen as the least power (dimension of self-aggrandizement).

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How to Cite
Grimaldo Muchotrigo, M. P. (2010). Valores en un grupo de abogados de la ciudad de Lima. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 13(4). Retrieved from

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