The rebellion of media power in the face of the construction of electoral democracy in Mexico

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Javier Esteinou Madrid


With the conquest of new political and cultural skills that reached the private electronic media, these became great factual powers which have changed the traditional structure of the Mexican nation state, and thus building today a new Hybrid State formed by the Executive Power, the Legislative, the Judicial Power and the Media Power. Such Media Power again has shown its strength regarding the State when in the elections of the 1st of july of 2012 refused to broadcast in their main nation wide channels the political debate between the four candidates to the Presidency of the Republic, arguing that football and musical contests were more relevant events for the citizens than the pre-electoral political discussions. This fact reveals the need of civil society to demand to the Congress the approval of an integral media and telecommunications law which modifies the actual disproportional relationship between the informative monopolies, the State and the society, and that introduce a new pluralistic and democratic pact among these actors which allows to create more pluralistic and virtuous conditions in the performance of electronic cultural industries in the nation.

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How to Cite
Esteinou Madrid, J. (2013). The rebellion of media power in the face of the construction of electoral democracy in Mexico. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (13).

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Author Biography

Javier Esteinou Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM

Doctor in Sociology from the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM; Master in Sociology and a degree in Science and Technology Information by the Universidad Iberoamericana. CIESPAL Award 1984, in the Primer Concurso Latinoamericano del Libro de Comunicación, organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Centro Internacional de Estudios Avanzados en Comunicación para América Latina (CIESPAL). Former Vice President (founder) of the Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores de la Comunicación (AMIC), Mexico City (1981-1983). He is Senior Researcher at the Departamento de Educación y Comunicación at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Xochimilco.
Some of his publications are: Political Economy and media: Economía política y medios de comunicación: acumulación, ideología y poder y La cultura y la comunicación nacionales en los tiempos del libre mercado.