Significant objects from academia: appraisals from the perspective of academic

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Georgina Paulín Pérez
Julio César Horta Gómez
Gabriel Siade


This article, as part of the quantitative inquiry, focused to show some results from the empirical survey. This inquiry used the technique scales to measure ratings, the selection and management, respondents give belonging objects of the University world, to explore ways of interpreting (give meaning and value to) those objects in academics of the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM) in that then played the role of representative or authority (in collegiate bodies for consultation, commissions, coordinations) in the following institutions: Faculty of Political and Social Sciences (Communication Sciences career’s academics), the Institute of social research (IIS) and the Special Commission for the University Congress (CECU). This survey was performed in Ciudad Universitaria (C.U.) during the months of April to July 2002.

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How to Cite
Paulín Pérez, G., Horta Gómez, J. C., & Siade, G. (2013). Significant objects from academia: appraisals from the perspective of academic. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (10).

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Author Biographies

Georgina Paulín Pérez, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM

Master in Sociology from the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales of the Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México, where she teaches in the area of Languages, part of the Center for Studies in Communication Sciences. It also has expertise in Liberal Arts in Humanities from the Athenian Philosophical AC, dependent Recherches et d'Foundation Editions de Philosophie Neohellenique. His research interests are: philosophy, humanities, communication and semiotics of culture. She is a researcher at the Institute for Social Research, where he coordinates several projects in the area of Society and Culture. Among his publications include the books Humanities University. The UNAM from a humanistic intertextuality (in press, 2011) and rudiments Articulated Language (2006) and Articles "From orality and literality: Towards an articulator system in the study of the embodiments of language" (coauthor, 2010 ), "Mexican Electricians Union. Unions of the World "(co-author, 2010) and" The experience and analysis: brief comments on the notions object-subject in the cultural universe of discourse "(co-author, 2009).

Julio César Horta Gómez, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM

Bachelor of Science in Communication at the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM, where he teaches in the area of Languages, part of the Center for Studies in Communication Sciences. Conducted comprehensive studies of philosophy at the Faculty of Arts at the University. He is currently maestrante Philosophy of Science by the Institute for Philosophical Research. His research interests are: philosophy, the study of language, art and culture; also semiotics of communication and culture. He collaborates on research projects in the area of Society and Culture in the Institute for Social Research at the UNAM. Among his recent publications include articles: "Plasticity of the body and denial of the human" (2011), "Notions of language: arguments about the meaning of knowledge" (2010) and "Reflections on the university legislation: problems in their conceptual ambiguity "(co-author, 2009).

Gabriel Siade, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, UNAM

Maestrante physical and Philosophy of Science at the Institute for Philosophical Research in the area Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. Currently conducts research related logic (symbolic quantifier, identity, descriptive), as well as to characterize axiomatizations intuitive logic and modal logic. Collaborate in the project "The pragmatic dimension of the Neo-liberal" in the Institute for Social Research at the UNAM. Among his recent publications include articles: "Mexican Electricians Union. Unions of the World "(co-author, 2010)," Reflections on the importance of analytic training the judge "(co-author, 2009)," Reflections on the University Legislation: problems in their conceptual ambiguity "(co-author, 2009).