Electoral Polls in Mexico: the Challenges of the Future

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Francisco Abundis Luna
Diana Paola Penagos Vázquez
Alejandro Espinosa Granados


The elections held on July 1 2012 are of particular importance because pre-election polls broadcast reached a scale hitherto unknown. In this process, the pollster guild was in the middle of a dispute involving the manipulation of information to favor one candidate. The raised discussion spaces have been instrumental in the political and social analysis of the production, control and dissemination of electoral information.

If well this experience requires a new assessment of the methodologies used in measuring voting behavior, it is also true that it is necessary to define the responsibilities of each and every one of the actors involved in the electoral process. Likewise, Mexican electoral institutions must to be at the global forefront to satisfy the demands of a more informed and critical society. This type of integration is the path to strengthen democracy in Mexico.

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How to Cite
Abundis Luna, F., Penagos Vázquez, D. P., & Espinosa Granados, A. (2014). Electoral Polls in Mexico: the Challenges of the Future. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (16), 13–29. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1870-7300(14)72325-7

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Author Biographies

Francisco Abundis Luna, Parametría S.A. de C.V.

Associate Director of Parametría SA de C.V. Doctor Candidate in Political Science from the University of Connecticut (specializing in Social Psychology and Quantitative Methods). Master in Public Policy from the University of Oxford, Master in International Affairs from Columbia University, Michigan. Diploma in Quantitative Research in American Political System and the University of California. A graduate of the Colegio de Mexico. His main research interests are social psychology, public opinion and electoral behavior. fabundis@parametria.com.mx

Diana Paola Penagos Vázquez, Parametría S.A. de C.V.

Director of academic projects, Parametría SA de C.V. Master in Population and Development by the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO-Mexico. Degree in Economics from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, UNAL. His main research interests focus on labor markets, voting behavior, public opinion and quantitative analysis. dpenagos@parametria.com.mx

Alejandro Espinosa Granados, Parametría S.A. de C.V.

Research on academic projects, Parametría SA de C.V. Degree in Political Science and Public Administration from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Master of Social Science in Theory and Analysis of Public Affairs at El Colegio de Sonora. His main research interests focus on public opinion, political psychology, mixed methods, public policy analysis. aespinoza@parametria.com.mx