Mexico´s public and media Agendas. A preelectoral Research 2011-2012

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Diego Abraham Leal Corral


Mexican agenda setting studies have omitted most of the times the use of the public agenda, this might be because of the impossibility to obtain it. In this study we will observe the relationship between the media agenda, formed with national newspapers El Universal and Reforma within the range from May 2011 to April 2012 in Mexico. This temporal range has been elected because it is a pre-electoral time, when politics don´t affect so determinedly media agenda, as they do during electoral times.

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How to Cite
Leal Corral, D. A. (2016). Mexico´s public and media Agendas. A preelectoral Research 2011-2012. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (21).

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Author Biography

Diego Abraham Leal Corral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Master with honors in Government and Public Affairs for the Centro de Incubación y Desarrollo Empresarial (CIDEM), with the thesis Identificación partidista y volatilidad del voto: el caso de Michoacán en el periodo 1989-2007. Degree in Political Science from the Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico City campus. He obtained the CONACYT scholarship, that allowed him to conclude the master in Policy and Institutional Communication at the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset of Madrid. Currently , he conducts doctoral studies at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with line of research in political communication.


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